Blog Post #1: The Death Penalty

Image result for death penaltyImage result for death penalty

The Death Penalty is a popular practice in the United States, and is responsible for many executions every year. The Death Penalty is a very controversial subject because of its’ many flaws. The Death Penalty has a large gap for error and can be the spark of many issues in the United States. Capital Punishment should be illegal because it is immoral and unconstitutional, it costs a large amount of money, and it does not deter crime.


Capital Punishment costs tax payers thousands of dollars every year and can cause a large amount of debt. While taxpayer’s money largely contributes to Death Row, the funds of American Citizens aren’t enough. In order to maintain Death Row, it costs over $5 billion and contributes to the national debt. In California alone, the death penalty has totaled over $4 billion since 1978. Facts collected from previous acts of lethal injection show that one execution costs over $1 million. This money could be put toward something better such as larger prisons and more guards, instead of the execution of prisoners.


Professionals also advocate for the abolition of Capital Punishment. Late Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall, stated during the Furman vs Georgia case in 1972, that Capital Punishment is unconstitutional and contradicts the 8th Amendment. The 8th Amendment states that no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted. Methods of the death penalty such as lethal injection, are considered cruel and unusual, therefore unconstitutional. Marshall also explained the morality of the death penalty and how it goes against the moral values cast on society.


People for the use of the Death Penalty argue that it allows as a deterrent for crime. This said deterrent allows for a lower rate of crime and a lower murder rate. People for the death penalty explain that if criminals know the extent of the punishment they will receive (such as execution) will scare them off and allow or a safer society. This view is wrong because a social science study developed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) explains that the death penalty provides no deterrent for crime as well as a lack of effects caused by capital punishment. ACLU also analyzes capital punishment with this quote: “The punishment for rape cannot be rape, the punishment for arson cannot be lighting the arsonists’ house on fire, therefore, the punishment for murder cannot be murder.” The death penalty is unfair and discriminatory in practice, and is uncivilized and immoral.


Capital Punishment should be illegal because it is immoral and unconstitutional, it costs a large amount of money, and it does not deter crime. For these reasons, Capital Punishment should be abolished, and the money used to fund it should be placed towards larger prisons, and improved security. With these changes in society, we can focus on preventing crimes like murder from happening by enforcing longer sentences in the prison system and providing a real deterrent for criminals.

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3 thoughts on “Blog Post #1: The Death Penalty

  1. Your points were excellent and very clear. I like how you used a lot of evidence to support your points, rather than just using opinions to reach a conclusion.

    Liked by 1 person

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