Blog Post #2: About Men- Essay Analysis

  1. Ehrlich’s main purpose in this essay is to explain that the Cowboy is romanticized in ads, and the stereotypes promoted in society based on the idea of what a Cowboy should be like.
  2. Ehrilch uses imagery throughout her essay to show the romanticized ideas of a cowboy. She explains that she sees ads of cowboys with “stern, humorless looks” that are unfamiliar to her. She also explains that when she is missing Wyoming she hopes to see “a line of distant mountains” and other things she correlates with her home but instead, she looks for the “Marlboro ads on the subway”. These uses of imagery help her achieve her purpose by painting a picture of what cowboys are actually like, while also explaining the idea of the cowboy romanticized by society. 
  3. I agree with Ehrilch’s points made in the essay because in today’s society, many ideas are romanticized and glorified that shouldn’t be, as well as many stereotypes that have been played out throughout history. Many stereotypes about women, people of color, and immigrants show that they are not true, but still evident in society, just like in this story.

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