Blog Post #4: Our Wall Essay Analysis

Image result for anti wallImage result for anti wall

1. In Charles Bowden’s essay titled “Our Wall” he states his opinion about the controversial border wall, which has sparked protests, resistance, and violence. His purpose in this essay is to explain why the wall should not be funded nor built and how it strips people, especially immigrants of their identity.


2. In order to persuade the reader to take his side and explain why he is against the wall, Bowden uses allusions to effectively do so. He explains the purpose of the Berlin Wall, which was to keep citizens from fleeing from Germany, and with explaining its purpose, he relates it to the wall proposed in America. He also explains that walls are usually meant for keeping people out, as he then goes on by giving multiple examples in history that matched this purpose. He also explains the Statue of Liberty, which is American symbol of freedom and opportunity. He connects this to his purpose by stating that the wall contradicts this symbol, as he urges people to think the same. Overall, Bowden’s use of allusions help the reader grow an understanding of these structures throughout the course of history, and how they have both effected society and their view on others.


3. Overall, I do agree with Bowden’s opinion because America is a country founded on immigration, as our founding fathers came from Europe. America’s economy also relies immigration, because many workers came from immigrant backgrounds or are immigrants themselves. I believe that a wall would only divide America more, because it would strip people of their cultural identity. America needs to focus on how they can help immigrants and fix the documentation process, rather than blocking future citizens out.

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