Blog Post #6: No Hate Left Behind

In Thomas B. Edsall’s article, he explains that people that have a certain view on politics are extremely opinionated and often close minded. In a survey titled “Lethal Mass Partisanship”, people questioned were asked if they believed people from their opposing party were “downright evil”. 42 percent of the people interviewed agreed with the statement, this is equivalent to 48.8 million voters. Edsall goes on to use examples of statements used today such as “Wouldn’t America be better if the opposing party just died off?” Edsall argues that this view is incorrect, and also draws in opinions of other writers.

Edsall achieves his purpose by using allusions. By using quotes and examples from other insightful people, he is able to greater support his perspective and explain how America is founded on freedom. He uses quotes from other people to explain how Americans tear down the opposing side, and how certain people attack others based on their political views. Instead we need to ask ourselves “Why so much of our moralizing does not consist in pondering how to universalize the maxim of our actions or to bring about the greatest good for the greatest number, but rather of condemning, demonizing, or scapegoating a designated sinner.” Edsall argues that instead of condemning each other we need to grow an understanding for the other person’s point of view.


I agree with Edsall’s point because if we continue to argue and tear down each other for our political views, we will just create a more divided America. Even though I do not agree with the opposing side, the worst thing to do is to spark hate and create an unnecessary issue. With this, people also do need to understand that the reason many people are so opinionated is because their life is directly effected by certain politics and can be offended by the other side. Ignorance is completely different. If people from the opposing side are ignorant or out of line, it may be hard to respect them, but one of my favorite quotes is “Love not Hate makes America great”. With this, we need to look beyond politics and see the true character of people.Image result for love not hate makes america great

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